Purple Pork Master Sauce?

The collective elements of the enterprise no longer produce the product. The last bottles I was able to purchase was back in January 2013 and have not seen it available since.

I am not sure if the team still exists, or if it is simply the fact that they didn't sell enough to cover expenses. No matter how you look at it, it is a loss of one of my families favorite sauces, but I guess nothing lasts forever.

Head Country has the tomato-vinegar balance without being sweet, but it lacks the slight back heat as you swallow. I have just added a small amount of chipolte powder to compensate for that part. But the other members of my family have settled on "Texas - Texas Good To the Bone" (By Sanderson Foods Inc) as their new replacement for "Purple Pork Masters"
You can also take one of the similar sauces listed above and tweak them to your liking.

I always thought Purple Pork Masters should have sold 5 gallon buckets, or at least gallons, like many popular competition sauces are sold.
Sriracha hot sauce is good for adding heat to sauces without changing other flavors.
Too Bad

So apparently they quit making sauce trying to find some to order that is very similar does anyone know of anything?

Just proves that when you screw a member of the Brethren in business, bad things can happen to your business. A man is only as good as his word or his signature. What goes around comes around..

Just proves that when you screw a member of the Brethren in business, bad things can happen to your business. A man is only as good as his word or his signature. What goes around comes around..

What happened?
For those who think a gallon is too much, put in pints and can them in a water bath to extend the life.

This may be your last chance to buy this great sauce....