Spoils of… Tx deer season

We pre-cooked deer stew, chilli and broth

Stew went 3hrs broth went 45mins

Texas Style Y’all
It only holds 7 jars

My crawfish 80pt holds 24 jars

We do both but over 7 jars we go for the 30qt or 80
I've never canned anything with meat but I don't think I'd be comfortable with the temps of the water bath, even at extended boil times. But it obviously works if y'all are still alive :thumb:
a guy that was in my unit in the army used to make the most amazing venison jerky. I dont know how he made it but it was shredded like chewing tobacco (think redman or beechnut long leaf chew) and you could just stick your hand in the bag and pull out a 'wad' and chew on it, it was tender and flavorful and easy to eat. amazing stuff, should have gotten his technique while I could, still the best venison jerk I've ever had by a wide margin. coincidentally his last name was Bacon LOL
Texas Fried Backstraps this evening…

Can’t wait!!

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It’s Fall n Texas Y’all

This weekend is opening duck and deer season

I’m torn which way to go…. Ducks are in my backyard and my labs love duck jerky :pound:

Do y’all like Dairy Queen?!?

DQ Dude…. Deer Dude TX Style

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