Left over pulled pork? How about sushi?!


is Blowin Smoke!
Sep 17, 2012
Oswego, IL
We had some leftover pulled pork (who doesn't?) to mess around with. So, I made some sushi. No, it doesn't qualify as real sushi, but we sure enjoyed messing around with the ingredients today. Enjoy!

First, I made some pig candy.

Then, I laid it all down on the sushi roller that was topped with wax paper (bad idea)

Then, a thin layer of sushi rice that was properly dressed with rice wine vinegar, sugar and salt.

Spread with a layer of bacon bourbon jam. Yes, I said bacon bourbon jam. Enough said.

The pulled pork has been in the freezer for a month or two.

Adding some leftover pulled pork to the roll.

Slicing some dill pickle for the roll, too.

Half ass attempt at rolling it up!

The final product!

One bite! Please use this one as my poll picture.
Hell yeah Matt, that looks wicked awesome. Oswego isn't that far of a drive, what's for dinner tonight :wink:
Yes, very cool twist. Why was the wax paper a bad idea? Too slick, or too sticky?

I just had a hard time keeping it out of the way while I was rolling it up. It was just another thing to have to mess with and worry about. Next time, I will just get the bamboo mat dirty so I don't have to stress about the wax paper, too.

THAT is sacrilege!!

Delicious delicious sacrilege!

You ought to be....awarded something!
I just had a hard time keeping it out of the way while I was rolling it up. It was just another thing to have to mess with and worry about. Next time, I will just get the bamboo mat dirty so I don't have to stress about the wax paper, too.

Dunno what it's called over there, but cling film.
The thin stretchy plastic film you wrap sammies in!