How To Lite a Charcoal Chimney (video)

I light my chimney on an old beat up kettle. Keeps the mess in one place and is a good way to reuse grease soaked brisket paper. Since I'm using briquettes, it's not much more ash.
I let them burn 5 minutes or so then use tongs to mix them up in the Chimney and burn 5-10 more minutes till they are all greyed over. :mrgreen:

I think you are working too hard. 3 sheets of balled up newspaper or some cubes. 15 to 20 minutes depending on how full the chimney is, never fails.
Brown Paper

I use a brown paper bag. If I don't have a bag, I'll use crumpled news paper with a table spoon of cooking oil. The oil makes for a longer burn...
When I'm at home I use the gasser to light the chimney. Camping or out in the field I use dryer lint. I find it burns up better and doesn't leave any paper ash blowing about.
So let me see if I have this straight now. Don't want starter fluid taste,don,t have any cubes, news paper gives too much ash,stores don,t use paper bags around here, don't need a torch so won't buy one,gaser side burner sparks too much,don't have a turkey burner,I ate all the Doritos, dryer lint will have softner in it so no good what am I to use ? OH which end do you put up or do you lay it on it's side. Thanks for all your help
When smoking, I light my chimney using the propane starter on my weber Performer. I leave the propane on for 5 minutes. Then I shut the gas off and let the rest of the chimney get going which takes about 20 minutes. One of these days I'm going to get a propane weed burner like some people use in thier UDS.

i dont get it. light with newspaper, put on ground. therefore no newspaper ashes in the cooker. put lit coals in cooker after 15 minutes or so.
I use the side burner on my gasser. I love that thing. Great for searing on cast iron, cooking friend chicken, and anything else that is smoky or messy.