After a long cook will you eat it... Your Q

A bunch of great observations here !!!!

This one reminded me of an afternoon cookup for a bunch of friends.....

I snack as i cook... I usually cook sausage and or ABTs when doing a long cook... Pitmasters choice!!! And maybe drink a few too!!!

Did a major amount of ABT's along with tri-tip & other stuff.......when I fix for a crowd, they are small bite-sized so they go farther........

Ate approx. 40 small ones that dinner for you !!!!
I have to taste everything as I am cutting it up just to see how it turned out but only small samples. I will stand just out of site and enjoy a few cold one's while listening to my friends and family compare this meal to others I have cooked and take notes to use on my next adventure in smoking!!

Funny to read this on the forum this today, as I was just having this conversation with a co-worker just this morning.

I honestly juts flat out lose my appetite. or maybe i just do a little too much sampling while pulling
A quick shower makes a world of difference. I get one probably 50% of the time but it makes dinner much more enjoyable.

Not to hijack the thread but it reminds me of a different phenomenon: I never go out to eat BBQ. I live 6 blocks from Oklahoma Joes and eat there at most once a year. Friends and others are always discussing their favorite Que and new places to try... I just smile and nod.
Big cooks, like for 200-400 people, the last thing I want is BBQ. I will taste it and make sure things are on point, but I won't load a plate. I did 6 cooks in 3 months with the smallest being 200 and the largest being 600. I swore I didn't want to say BBQ for 6 months and definitely not eat it. Then a new BBQ place in Springfield called City Barbecue opened and I was one of the first ones in line. Weird...
Absolutely! This happens most of the time to me. I think a lot of has to do with the fact that I am tasting the product and usually being pretty tired after a night of smoking. It does suck to watch others enjoy your your hard work and not feeling like joining them.
I too have a harder time eating after a longer cook. I think it has to do with tasting stuff a little while I'm cooking. Mainly it's the sauce or small bites of the sides I may be making to go with the Q. I don't eat very much but for some reason my appetite isn't there. Many times I'll eat the stuff the next day and think "man this is good". Weird.
I agree with all this. I shower makes a huge difference. If I go to an event where someone else made some awesome Q I will chow down big time. I find that brisket is so rich that after a day of cooking and eating it I am burping it up the next day and swearing I won't it for a while. Then after a month or so goes by my chemical dependency on brisket kicks in and I hit it again. BBQ leftovers rule! Especially ribs.
Only smoking at home so I take a shower as the meat is resting, snarf a little water up the nose. Feel refreshed and ready to eat.
Only smoking at home so I take a shower as the meat is resting, snarf a little water up the nose. Feel refreshed and ready to eat.

Yep, exactly what I said. Not to mention it helps give you a second wind. I'll even take a shower on a large remote cook. If I'm doing that I'll be in the motor home.

To all the folks that said they don't eat after a big cook, try the shower. Only takes a few minutes and you'll fell way better...and hungry!
I also enjoy watching others enjoy my creations, after a long cook. I generally will not eat much of the main courses. Rather, I enjoy sampling the sides that others may have brought to share. Also, I am always sure to make appetizers to share and snack on all day long.
Truthfully after a long cook i do not want to eat the food... Now if i am just cooking something small.. Steak... A couple spares over an open fire i will tear it up... I do some pretty big cooks at times... But i do not want to eat it.... I know i am not alone..... Now when frying bass... Bream... Catfish... I want either cause i am full... From eating it out of the platter... Why is this????

I'm going to think about that when I do my first cook on the cooker you're building for me, but I have to leave the crappie frying to my wife so there's something left for the table!

I'm right there with you brother.

When I do big cooks, it's usually for friends or family. I taste everything to make sure it turned out right, but generally I don't sit down to a big plate of meat. By the time the cook is done, I'm both pooped from all the work and honestly a little smoked-and-greased out. It's pretty common for me to have cooked a ton of meat and only eat a slice of brisket, a rib, and a bite or three of pulled pork.
I have a pellet grill so don't have as much problem as I'm not smelling it as much during the day. I have noticed the same thing though and find that I eat a lot more when I've done an overnight cook where the food is done by about 10am vs cooking during the day where I'm messing around with it more. I think a secondary cause on that though is beer. In the second case I've often filled up a bit by the time the food is done -- less of a worry around breakfast time.

I have the same issue with potato soup that my wife likes. Part of it involves sweating some onions and then making essentially a rue from there. It's not that long but because I have to be there stirring the whole time smelling it I tend not to want to soup once it's done. Next day -- definitely.
Same here. If I'm doing a few slabs of ribs for dinner I can tear into them, but if I'm doing a long cook I will sample and that is it.
I love to eat my bbq when it's done. Except competition style ribs those are too sweet when I finally got them looking better one or two bites and the rest was way too much. Pulled pork no matter what I demolish it. It is a staple in our diet. Nothing better than pulled pork smoked with cherry wood.