Saturday Morning Boston Butt


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2014
Cental, NJ
Got my boston butt on the smoker at 7 this morning. Using Slap yo Daddy recipe with injection and rub. Always had good results with his recipe. This butt was given to me by a friend and still had the skin on. Has anyone ever smoked one leaving the skin on? Maybe make cracklin or something when it done? Finally got the BBQ Guru dialed in too. This thing is great. Enjoy the weekend all!!!!!
I've never had skin left on a Boston Butt by my butcher or membership club, but it doesn't mean a lot. The skin will hinder the absorption of smoke on the part of the meat it covers, but will pull off as it gets near done. Some trim the skin off and re-purpose it to make other foods or use in other dishes.

Sounds like you are off to a great start.... Keep us posted..
Use the skin in red beans--people will ask what your secret is.

Cook with the skin, but remove it before serving as it will get mega-slimy and resemble a giant slug.