Pork loin internal temp help


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Jun 4, 2016
Okay guys I need some help , I have experience smoking almost all meats except pork loin . When I cook pork loin I have always wrapped in bacon and grilled until internal temp of 145. I love it this way but recently have had a friend I cook for sometimes request a smoked pork loin . Today I purchased a small pork tenderloin to try this weekend. My question is what internal temp do I need to shoot for to get it tender without drying it out . Any other tips are also appreciated . My plan is to rub it with my pork rub and smoke it at 225 until done , thx
RB has my vote on how to do it!
I like it to go 145, but my wife does not like any pink at all. I now take it to 160. Texture is a little firmer but just as moist. Still tastes great.
We have smoked a lot of pork loin in the past and always shoot for 145. Lately, I have cooked a few "enhanced" pork loins and they are much more forgiving taking it to a higher IT. Non-enhanced loins are not as forgiving.
Last one I did I had a BF and didn't pull until 165 and it was still moist. Normally I pull at 145.
i've had these at all temperatures. In Spain, pork tenderloin is typically served rare (cold in the middle), like filet mignon. This is unheard of in the US, but I don't think there's anything on the inside that is killed instantaneously at 145*, which is now the recommended safe temp. We used to worry about parasites with pork, but I'm told this is not an issue anymore -- someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Like beef, just make sure the outside is seared. It is not what we're used to here, but once you get used to it, the taste is quite good and plenty tender. We've been slicing these thin lately and making pork bulgogi.
I'm in the 140 and rest camp with tenderloin as well. I've even convince my wife that little pink is fine for both loin and tenderloin :-D

140it then pull and wrap super tight in aluminum foil and let rest on the counter for a couple hours. It will continue cooking and ends up super tender and moist.

I stumbled on that once when I got too busy to eat and came back a few hours later and it was the best pork loin I ever had. Been doing it that way ever since.