Pizza Thursday!

Sako you always deliver…no pun intended. The boys have been asking for pizza soon. Gotta up my game.
Sako you always deliver…no pun intended. The boys have been asking for pizza soon. Gotta up my game.

Thanks Adam!

I say this in all honesty... You got game brother. I've seen your cooks. I really mean it.
Thanks Adam!

I say this in all honesty... You got game brother. I've seen your cooks. I really mean it.

Coming from that truly means a lot. Let’s keep up the good work! :grin:
Mind if I ask what temp, on the bottom stone you shoot for?

I don't temp the stone with my IR gun anymore. I had the dome thermometer at 500*. I know that's not acurate but for the sake of not using the IR gun each time I just crank it to 500* on the dome therm. If I had to guess I'd say the bottom stone is around 650*