Full Spare Ribs

I have never smoked a rack of full spare ribs. ~20+ years.
I started my journey of smoking meats because of BB ribs to begin with.
Will occasionally smoke ST Louis cut, but will usually buy the thinnest BBs I can find.
I think I may be in the minority.

You should, or at least take those full spares and chop off the tips and smoke them separately. They make great eats. Applebee's made a franchise chain off their rib tips.

BTW, you are not in the minority with buying the thinnest BB's. That extra meat is off the dry as F*ck center cut loin. Try to avoid as much as that "extra meaty" as you can. I shoot for less then 2/lb racks.
Yep, I buy the thinnest and lightest weight BBs I can find.

Maybe I should buy some rib tips alone. For some reason the full spares just don’t do it for me.
Yep, I buy the thinnest and lightest weight BBs I can find.

Maybe I should buy some rib tips alone. For some reason the full spares just don’t do it for me.

Not sure where you can find just rib tips. Maybe a Asian market. But i think your going to pay more then just buying Full spares at Walmart for like $1.79.lb. I just chop the tips off and freeze them for future cooks.