Cooking with a separated shoulder


Babbling Farker
Oct 15, 2012
Anaheim, CA
So with all the turmoil in my life (dad, in-laws, and steps are having health problems or grieving), I decide to do some smoking. In the heat. On zero sleep.

I already had a chuckie waiting at home and I'm thinking brisket. Yesssh.


My local Smart and final has them for 3.65 a pound.

Are you kidding me? I just got a chuckie for 3.99 a pound.

What's this? Right next to the brisket, is beef shoulder clod. It's 2.39 a pound. Misprint? Don't know and don't care.


Most clods are ~20 pounds and take at least an hour per pound to cook. This bad boy is just under 3 pounds. Score!.

So I get it home take it out of the shrinkwrap and what the hell?


This looks like separated shoulder [canned laughter]. I'm seeing meat failure (and possibly mismarked meat), so it's getting the Jack Daniels rub. The chuckie is getting BigMista's.


Since my shoulders are separated (couldn't resist one more shot), here is the game plan:

Run both meats in at the same time. If the clod was whole, they would finish about the same time. But the smaller pieces mean shorter time (I hope), so I will check the temps at the two hour mark and
see what happens.

Two hour mark:


Chuckie is in foiling range. Clods are at 180 IT. Oh nooooooooo.

I pull the clods and foil the chuckie. slice some of the clods.....ok. looks a little overcooked, but it's the first time out with a non-uniform piece of meat. Flavor? Dannnnnnnnng. Dry? Not really.



Here is the shot of the chuckie unfoiled and ready for shredding:


Unfortunately, an accident occurred right after the chuckie was shredded. His name is Eli and he destroyed it when my back was turned. All I heard was the gnashing of teeth on meat. Bad Eli.