Central BBQ leaves silver shin on ribs, Do you?

Just watched BBQ Paradise on the Travel channel. Central BBQ leaves the silver shin on his ribs to lock in the fat moisture. Then he removes the cooked skin after it is cooked.

Does anyone else do it this way?
I've done it both ways. I find it easier to remove it while the meat is cold. My ribs are quite moist without it.
I've done both and it's easier to eat with it off. I've tried the scoring method and it works. But it's really not that hard to remove the membrane
I cook and sell about 50 racks of spares a week during the summer. I never remove it. In the 3 years I've been selling only ONE person ever commented on it. Of course, he was a comp guy :mrgreen::mrgreen:
I used to routinely pull the membrane from StL ribs. Then I tried them once without it. Haven't ever pulled the membrane since. Just made up 16 racks for a local event. Hoo, boy did those ribs vanish quick! Truly, there isn't a ton of difference. If I were cooking in a competition, sure. But when I have to do a lot? Especially if the guy who cut up the pig was careless and the membrane's all cut up? No way.

I got the Ribs at Central, once. Emphasis on once. Haven't been in over three or four years, but I preferred their pork when I did go.