Armenian BBQ--just saw this video

What keeps everything from sliding off the skewer??

And,,,, How does it cook evenly?
Seems like the bottom meat would be burnt before the stuff on top was done.
Great idea though, I love it!

The potato slices on the end keep the meat from sliding off.

The reason the meat doesn't burn at the bottom is due to the fact that the cylinder shape of the cooker causes the heat to rise to the top. This is why ribs cooked in the Pit Barrel Cooker on the hooks don't burn at the bottom.

The cooker in this video isn't really much different than a Tandoori oven. I really like this guy's setup!
A couple universal truths come to mind:

-dudes, no matter who they are or where they come from, like to light fires, cook meat and drink beer.

-I can't see an outdoor cooking device and not want it.

I had to make a revision, hope you don't mind. :wink:
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It usually is an underground pit and we (I'm Armenian) call it tonir or tondir. Sounds similar or close to tandoor/tandoori which is the same concept.

As for meat not falling, the skewers are sturdy, wide and the meat locks in place and once the intense heat kisses it when hung it's not going anywhere. For things like chicken or softer textured cuts like Moose said a potato wedge will do. Maybe that's why I love the PBC because hanging is in my blood. :becky:

Here's a cool read that briefs the tonir

Here's what it traditionally looks like

They even make lavash (thin Armenian flatbread) in there


A family friend built one and invited me over. Not traditional but this is his variant







Love it, as soon as the food goes on the folks and kids start gathering... The end product looked amazing.