Tri Tip for tomorrow and stocked up on some Beef Ribs

Jealousy mod here! Oh, to be back in Texas where there are some HEB stores available. Haven't been able to find any tri tip locally here in the Atlanta area. May need to find a good local meat shop.


Tri Tip has grown to be one of my favorites!

Great cut of meat!

The local stores tend to globber them up into 1/2 size chunks, but still...OhMyGourd! type of good!
Dang it. Just got home from HEB and forgot to look for more Tri-Tips... :mad:
Boy, I do envy you guys in Texas at times, but we are chasing Tri-Tips out of our yard out here in Cal. Great packer briskets are not that obtainable here though.
I'll be starting a new thread tomorrow on the beef short rib plate cook. These things are so long, might have to cut the meat from the bone for two servings. I had to fight to get them into gallon sized vacuum seal roll bags...
Looks awesome and cooked nicely. I think we are able to get tri-tips a little better marbled out her in California. Can't imagine why. I get some that look like Prime but they are just Choice.... Whatever, glad you got the tri and enjoyed it :)
Thanks Marty. Back when this was originally posted (almost a month ago), I just happened to see three tri-tip on the shelf. Sure they were all select grade. This was the best of the three.