Time to start the fall warm you up comfort food. What do you make?

A good dog is even better than a good meal.

I make meat loaf and braised dishes. Tonight is lamb shanks but instead of smoking I decided to Instant Pot them.
Ironic. Have some lamb shanks in the freezer I planned to do this weekend. No smoke or insty pot...just a pan sear and braise. Gonna try Naturrific Lamb on them.
Gumbo, chicken and dumplings, chili (beans or not). I love good southern cornbread dressing and turkey gravy any time of the year. Pinto's, pan fried potatoes, and cornbread...why am I hungry all of a sudden.
Definitely brisket chili and some crock pot english cut roasts with the cream of mushroom soup and liptons french onion, mashed taters

Exactly how my mom makes her roast! Potatoes are different though, instead of mashed she peels and halves red potatoes and adds them to the crock pot half way through the cook. Delicious.

Chili is always a favorite, as is tamales. What’s really good is topping the tamales with chili!
Our cold weather favorites are pot roast, stews, pot pies, and halupki. I whipped up a big pot of Brunswick stew last Monday when we got our first cold weather. Chili and soups get made pretty much year-round.
Soup season! Chicken noodle, chicken pot pie soup, risotto. I've been refining my chowder for over ten years - and if I'm ever back in Santa Cruz in February I'll give them another chance to get it right - hee hee.
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