Not necessarily Q, but need suggestions


Take a breath!
Jan 8, 2014
Zion IL
One of the bands I'm in rehearses my house on Friday nights. Since it usually turns into a party with a little rock & roll thrown in, I usually provide food. Often something fast with little to no work.(frozen 'za, chili dogs, Polish's/kraut etc.) Won't have time for a lot of prep or cooking tonight so I'm looking for something I can throw in the crock pot to heat up in an hour or so. Doesn't have to be fancy, just sick of everything I normally do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Queso in the crock pot, pound of ground beef in the skillet with taco seasoning on it. Bam,... Nacho night.

Another easy go-to is sausage wraps. grill em up quick, and serve the masses!

or both,... LOL.....
Well there's probably already a chill in the air up there in your neck of the woods, so how about some chili in the pot?!?:wink: I'd bet that some of us Texas Brethren could fix you up with a decent Texas chili recipe!:grin:
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Think I'll go with nacos. Quick, easy, & I know the missus will dig it. Blu that Pittsburgh ham sounds interesting. Have to give it a try sometime.
Get one of those packages of pulled pork out of the freezer. Throw it in the crock pot and you've got instant sliders.