How to stand your ground with your wife (and enjoy a steak at home)

Only thing I messed up was the FIL's wife (wife's stepmom) requested a well steak with "no pink". I cooked the chit out of it and it still had pink, she still ate it. Was kinda like driving a car off a cliff- I couldn't do it.
Only thing I messed up was the FIL's wife (wife's stepmom) requested a well steak with "no pink". I cooked the chit out of it and it still had pink, she still ate it. Was kinda like driving a car off a cliff- I couldn't do it.
Beautiful cook. for the "no pink" steak--
serve the meal by candlelight. Problem solved. I actually taught my mom to eat pink steak by doing that.
That was a wonderful meal, brother, so glad you stood your ground on that one. I do like to eat out, too, but usually not the kind of food I make at home. Mine's better, especially if you take the cost into account. I'm sure I would be singing a different tune if I lived close to Bigmista's Sammich Shop, though….. :rolleyes:
You had a great meal, better food and more fun.
I simply will NOT go to a place that charges
alot of $ - like Ruth Chris. No way, no more.. NEVER AGAIN.
I think - $130 for this crap? I could've had 8 people over and had twice the fun at !/4 of the cost! And better food, to be honest.
That was a wonderful meal, brother, so glad you stood your ground on that one. I do like to eat out, too, but usually not the kind of food I make at home. Mine's better, especially if you take the cost into account. I'm sure I would be singing a different tune if I lived close to Bigmista's Sammich Shop, though….. :rolleyes:

Thanks Kathy! My weakness is Thai food restaurants..... And a good deli, for some reason I can not duplicate the food from my favorite deli spot down in NC, I gave up years ago.
I'm making dinner and thought I would share the ingredients and the cost for the home cooked VS restaurant part of the discussion.

- 2 packs of traditionally raised boneless pork rib chops on clearance -- last day today -- one pack $3.39 and one $4.78, both $1.50 off, seared and fried in goose fat from a goose I smoked, seasoned with S&WP, served with crab apples my mom pickled with cloves and cinnamon

- green cabbage steamed and then carmelized in butter, crab apple pickle juice added to coat - prolly cost less than $1

- mashed potatoes -- probably less than 50 cents

- raspberries and whipped cream -- $3

All this for about $9 and we will have leftover pork chops for a sandwich tomorrow.
Plus, they get all testy at the chains when you come in with a cooler of beer, Pandora playing the guitar blues and wearing only your underwear. That there is 3 good reasons to stay home and eat! Not to mention the superior food cooked exactly the way you like it!!
BTW, sometimes I cook breakfast for a friend's family and his Grandmother wants her eggs fried hard ( no runny yolk). That just feels wrong and hard to do.
The bloomin onion place.
Look I couldn't run a joint, but that place
is less than superior.
I guess I'm spoiled like most of us at my own place.
You said that was take out from where?:twitch:

That looks fantastic!

For sure these days the money saved is incredible, and usually the food you can fix yourself is sooooooooooo much better.
