"Happy Phriday Pharkers,what's Smoking this Weekend?"

A couple racks oPh pork ribs, I'm gonna try and get a hold of some shorties as well, maybe some chix AL style with the white sauce, maybe another little thang or 2.

Happy smostewing! :heh: and everybody have a great weekend!
Yep,... happy friday to everybody !! Planned on just grilling this weekend, fajitas tonight, maybe burgers 2morrow.... but that leaves sunday,..... hmmmm.... might have to fire up a smoker after all.....:idea: ribs on the uds sounds good ! :mrgreen:
I'm thinking I'll do some Memphis dry ribs....never really done them before and it will be nice to not bust out all the wrapping materials.
Planning to do my first pork butt this weekend.

I've read several threads on pork butt and my plan is to season Sat evening and put it on the UDS about midnight at 240* - 250*. Expecting 10-12 hours plus letting it rest. Pull it in time to have dinner before World Series.
I have an 8lbs butt waiting to go on Sunday. Probably some sausage and ribs if all goes well. Should all be ready in time to watch the Royals take the win!!
Thinking I might do some jerk seasoned ribs or pork butt.
Someone posted a jerk seasoned butt the other day and I can't stop thinking about it.
Smokin up some ribs and some moink balls for a little party we are having. Should be fun! Have a great weekend everyone!
i'm not sure if i'm smoking any meat, but i did just go out and grab some fresh swordfish, gulf shrimp and some royal reds.
Doing my first overnight cook on the WSM tonight, got a full basket of KBB with several chunks of oak and hickory, will use the minion method, I assume this load will run all night. Injected a 9lb butt with apple juice and worchestershire. hoping the weber will do as everyone says.
I'm going for a turkey.
Hoping to pick one up tonight so I can get it brined.
Then I need some wood for my stick burner... or in the UDS with it ;)