"Happy Phriday Pharkers,what's Smoking this Weekend?"

Was planning a pork butt for Sunday but my wife had an accident yesterday and the weekend plans are being changed.

May still smoke it but it would just be for the two of us so probably overkill.

If not the butt, I'll pick up some spares and probably a fatty.
Pork sirloin roast tonight on the grill - not sure about Saturday, Sunday or Monday yet - probably another 'flasher chicken' and maybe some jerky thanks to cowgirl's post ...
Picked up some Poke butts, ribs and a rack of beef back ribs.

Smoker is coming up to temp for the Poke ribs as we speak!


Love starting the weekend on a Friday!
Wings for the early afternoon football games and brisket and pulled pork for nachos for the evening Horns game!
1 Brisket - will be injecting with Butchers brisket injection for the first time so am pumped about the results.

2 pork butts - rubbed with Smokin' Guns Sweet Heat

Football draft on Sunday so will have the UDS fired up for an overnight cook Saturday.
A couple of steaks(bone-in ribeyes or porters from my stash) on one night. And I was talking to my wife about all the things to do with leftover PP and made her hungry. So I might get to do a pork butt sometime this weekend. If I can talk her into swinging by and picking one up today, then probably tomorrow.:grin:
2 butts not sure on rub yet ill make it tonight run down sat for a sunday cook
2 racks beef back ribs (salt and paper rub??)