"Happy Phriday Pharkers, what's Smoking this Weekend?“

Got some ribeyes and BB's thawing. Thinking the bb's will get the Albukirky rub & jelly treatment - one green, one red - & the steaks will be some kinda version involving q-salt and maybe a dust of montreal steak seasoning, or maybe chicago steak seasoning. A little carne crosta might find it's way into the mix as well.

Happy Phriday and weekend to Phu and crew and all y'all Pharkers!
Happy Phryday Pholks!
We're only getting 3 seasons this weekend, summer, which was yesterday, 81*, fall, today and tomorrow, 50's and rain, and winter by Monday including snow Monday night.

Tonight is phish phry Phryday. Catfish, phrys and home made hush puppys
Tomorrow is goulash.
Sunday is brisket chilli and jalapeno corn bread.
No beans!

Have a great weekend everyone!