First Anniversary Pit Barrel Cooker (PBC) Appreciation Cook-off--Discussion and Entry Thread


Babbling Farker
May 14, 2014
Yukon, OK
Name or Nickame
PBC Appreciation Cook-off!

Ok folks, if you follow the PBC Appreciation Thread you know we've been talking about having a PBC Cook-off for the 1st Anniversary of the thread. I created the thread a year ago and never imagined in ONE YEAR we would have over 3300 posts and 160,000 views of the thread. To celebrate we decided to have a cook-off so here we go!



We will run this just like the Brethren Throwdowns. Matter of fact we are using the rules of the Throwdowns you can read HERE. In addition to those rules these rules will apply as well:

1. Most importantly, you MUST cook in an authentic Pit Barrel Cooker (PBC).

2. This will be a traditional cook meaning the main ingredient must be either hung or grate cooked. The main ingredient can be used as a filling such as with enchiladas for example.

3. Prepare a meal, dish, or single food item, or whatever suits your fancy that looks so tantalizing and tasty that it inspires folks to exclaim, I'd Hit That
!". (Ok, I admit I stole that from the Throwdowns :becky:)

4. Just like the Throwdowns, y
ou must clearly state at the BEGINNING of your post that you intend for your post to be an official entry into the Throwdown. This can be done by simply saying, "Please accept this as my entry into the PBC Cook-off".

5. Only ONE
entry per person please. The entry can be ANYTHING you cooked in the PBC.....

6. All....One thing I need to add to the rules is that you MUST show the PBC in one of your pictures when you submit. That means most of you should have at least 2 pictures, one showing the PBC cooking your item and the picture you want used as the Official entry picture. However, if you want to use the cook picture showing the PBC cooking your item as your entry picture you can but if you only have one picture it must show the PBC In action. This way there won't be any issues with ensuring all the entries were PBC cooked. This will also help us promote the PBC as well, which let's face it, that's pretty much what this is about, right?
And just to clarify.....For the voting thread, only the picture you state is your Official entry picture will be used.....But post as many pictures as you want. I like seeing several pictures of the cool when I vote in the normal TDs. It gives you an idea of just how creative people can get....

Ok guys bring it!


This is not a rule, but its a good idea to create your own cook thread then post a single picture HERE (your entry picture) with a link to the cook thread. Just a tip....

Only ONE picture will be used as your entry picture. Make sure you clearly specify which one you want used.

You may submit entries that are cooked from Friday 5/13 through Monday 5/23/16.

Entry pictures must be submitted by 12 p.m. Central US Time on Monday 5/23/16

As soon as I can on Monday (23 May) I will create a "Vote Thread" that will have all the entries and a poll for ALL Brethren to vote. The vote thread will run through 27 May and the winner will be announced on 28 May.... The entry with the most votes wins!

The ENTRY and VOTE threads will follow Q-Talk rules, meaning QUALITY ON-TOPIC discussion of the category or entries only, please. Discussion is encouraged to take place in the DISCUSSION THREAD, but if you want a recipe, or are looking for details or have QUALITY ON-TOPIC comments to make about an entry or the category you can make them in the ENTRY or VOTE thread.

If you follow the Throwdowns, you know I've used a LOT of their rules. The above stops short of saying posts that don't comply with the above will be deleted as I have no power to do that. However, I'm sure the Mods here will help out if needed. PLEASE respect the intent of this thread and keep nonsense out of here. I can't believe I'm typing this but I think its important.....I reserve the right to DISQUALIFY any entry if I suspect you did not cook your entry in a PBC and are trying to pull shenanigans in this thread. Again, please respect what we are doing here.... Thank you!

I have no admin rights but for the purpose of this cook-off, I will act as the moderator. Please voice concerns/complaints TO ME and let me filter anything necessary to a forum MOD. Please don't go to a Brethren MOD.....They are busy enough!

Best of all there WILL be a prize for the winner. I have spoken to Noah Glanville of PBC and he is more than willing to support this cook-off and you can expect some PBC goodies for the winner!

I hope I'm not forgetting something. If so I will update as soon as I can!

Ok, get your plans ready and lets see who posts the first entry on 13 May! :thumb:

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sweet...when is the Shirley Fabrication throwdown going to happen? where only people with authentic Shirley Fabrication cookers can enter?
sweet...when is the Shirley Fabrication throwdown going to happen? where only people with authentic Shirley Fabrication cookers can enter?

This is not a Throwdown. It's not supported by or being administered by any Throwdown mod. I am using the same format as the TDs and the idea was OK'd by Phil, but it has nothing to do with the Throwdowns.
As far as when the Shirley folks are gonna do something similar, I guess when one of you Shirley owners decides to put a Cook-off together it'll happen......Personally I think it would be a great way to honor an awesome cooker and a man (Paul Shirley) who has built a great product and has done a lot for the community......
After struggling with a POS Brinkmann offset I found this tread. I read all (at the time) 201 pages and begged the Mrs. to let me have one. Thank you Andrew for start the tread and Happy Anniversary.

Looking forward to it. Will be out of town this weekend so probably won't be cooking on the PBC until next weekend. Gives me more time to figure out what to cook for my non-winning entry!
I'm hope I'm ready and do it right. This will be my first competition ever. lol

+2 on this. It will still be fun. Big thanks aging to.Andrew for putting this together and the folks at PBC for making an awesome product

Think hard enough and it'll come to you fellas! Doesn't have to be overly creative.
Think hard enough and it'll come to you fellas! Doesn't have to be overly creative.

Just to add to what Sako said along with some things I've been thinking about today. I know there is a prize involved but more importantly this is a FUN contest. It's a PBC celebration. ...Why am I saying this? Because I don't want anyone to be intimidated to enter. Every PBC cook pic posted in the Appreciation thread over the past year would have been competitive in this cook-off. Some of you are experienced and some are just starting to get into outdoor cooking and the PBC is your first cooker, but you've all posted awesome cooks over the past year. So no matter your experience level and no matter how easy of hard your cook is, take some pics of what you cook in your PBC over the next 10 days and enter! ....You might just win! Good luck to you all!

Oh and thanks for the nice comments.....:thumb:

After sorting out a few minor details, we will be moving this thread to the TD Forum where it was originally meant to be. A promotional thread will be created for it in QT like is done with all other TD Threads and it can be promoted via the PBC Thread as well. As stated, keep it on topic. Best of luck to all.
