
Indirect baking of goods. For instance one Thanksgiving my SIL was freaking out about no oven space for her morning egg bake because the oven was filled with T-day dinner stuff.
I grabbed the egg bake dish and fired up the weber kettle and told her I'd be back in about an hour and a half. She was amazed.
As mentioned above, Tri-Tip and Pig Shots. Pig Shots by themselves will put you into a richness coma.



Pig Shots:


A couple of times in the past. I got humbled by all the creativity I saw and ran away to cuddle my green egg. :shocked:

Thanks for the reminder. A great source for ideas. :thumb:

Don't get discouraged. Half the fun is just participating. This is a fun way to learn to cook lots of different things. The goal should not be to win, but to learn and have fun.
Don't get discouraged. Half the fun is just participating. This is a fun way to learn to cook lots of different things. The goal should not be to win, but to learn and have fun.

The last one I entered, I did it just for the heck of it knowing that there would be way more creative meals than mine. I was also able to enter it in the monthly special TD that was going on. Turns out that my entry for the sake of having an entry won that monthly TD.

In contrast, there have been TD's where I have been really creative and made what I thought was a magical meal only to come runner up or get no votes at all.

After things like that happen, you learn to just participate and not take it so seriously, whether it is something simple or something new and elaborate. Part of the fun is seeing the creations, challenging yourself to come up with something that will set itself apart from other seen or unseen entries, and having a little fun with it at the same time.
Agree Peeps. It took me a while to quit taking it so seriously.

I also agree that the TD threads have opened up my horizons as far as what I have cooked. I would have never made an Apple Galette if it wasn't for the throwdowns...
What about whole hams or duck. No fish or shellfish? Brine or marinade to change the favors. Friend and I did a turkey and tasted close to pastrami.
I've seen this video on YouTube, and at least it's something different and looks very cool.

pepper stout beef? googling........................................

Most definitely on the list.