Spining 2 hogs need advice


Take a breath!
Aug 2, 2014
My brother in law has a spit with 2 roti's on it. He has 2 pigs on order about 50 lbs each. Does any one have tips for this cook ? He does lambs it this much different than Whole lambs ?

Also a good injection for this?

Ive only done one...My only advice is to tie it real good so it doesnt flop arond while spinning. Also, I ended up with a coalbed that was too hot and cooked the skin way too early. I was surprised at how little charcoal was necessary. When it looked perfect on the outside, it was still way raw on the inside. By the time the inside got to temp, the skin was burnt and ugly.
Do a search below of the sit.It will give many recipes and ideas on how to do whole hog. Good luck ,post the results, would like to see.
Gtr is the man to ask. He'll be along shorty or you can PM him. He spun lamb and a pig for the SoCal bash.

He'll give you the techniques but as you can see in the first pic on the left there were coals going and slowly added with a shovel as needed. The only difference IIRC was the timing and lamb was done quicker. Again, IIRC.



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Thanks guys.

Hopefully gtr will be along shortly with advice. If not I'll pm him. His user name is gtr?

I've only spun one pig, so I'm not exactly an expert. I did learn a few things though:

It's good to have room to move coals around so if it gets too hot you have somewhere to park them. I was using this therm - one in the shoulders, one in the hams, to guage cooking temp and IT:


It was very helpful to me. They are available on the Spitjack site. I was looking for 250 cooking temp and around 180 or so IT - if you cook it all the way to pulliing temps, it'll fall off the spit and into the fire, and most likely put on quite a show. :shocked: You will have a little bit that won't pull, it'll be sliced, and I doubt anybody's gonna complain. I'm hoping to cook without any therms before too long - I like to rely on as few things as possible.

As previously stated, you want your pig well secured to the spit.

The pig we did was around 70#, and I gotta admit I don't remember how long it took. I think I allowed 10 hours (that's what I do in an offset) and we may have been ready a little early or late, but not a significant amount IIRC.

There are lots of recipes for mops out there. I used the one from the Chris Lily book, which was good, but I'd probably cut back on the sugar a little 'cause there was a little burning - not too bad, but it was something we had to watch out for.

I would have liked more smoke flavor, so if I do charcoal next time, I'll throw some wood chunks in, but what I'll really probably do is build a burn barrel and burn down oak to coals.

Save the bones and make stock - you'll be glad you did!.

Fark.. Now I wanna cook a pig and hang out with my bros....
Awesome thanks bro

Did you inject? I don't have his cook book could you post recipe here?

This is going down next Saturday,I'll see if I can find those thermos

So what temp do you pull and where shpould I check ? Shoulder and hams?
I've done a dozen so far, most of them way bigger than your plan. I've had the best results with Chris Lilly injection with half the salt and 50/50 white grape juice, apple juice. His rub is very good also. If you have cooked lambs you've got this no problem. Put coals under the shoulder and rear end area mostly. The most important thing to remember for a successful cook is to post a crap ton of pr0n!
I got a lot of great info here:

https://www.spitjack.com/mm5/manuals/xb85/XB85 User's Manual 0426.pdf

It goes into the process of rotis'ing a pig after the owner's manual type stuff.

i did inject, and like the others have said, Chris Lily's injection with half the salt is a great way to go. I used Sweet Brine O' Mine, which is really good stuff.

Prepping the pig takes longer than you think - well, longer than I think anyway, so allow plenty of time. It must have taken us at least an hour to secure the pig to the rod, but most of the farkers may or may not have had a few adult beverages and we were all laughing our asses off, so that may have had something to do with it.

I think we finished at at 180 or 190 in the hams and shoulders. Gotta watch and make sure that thing doesn't start to drop off the spit towards the end of the cook.

Oh yeah - fire off to the sides with drip pan under the pig. Unless you really wanna see something you'll never forget. :shocked:
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