WARNING!! Steak Flippers (aka Fleakers), open at your own risk!

At least you didn't drown it in Meat Church $12/lb garbage bullshiit . That's a fine looking steak - congrats, and I'm jelly of that Shirley grill you got there.

I have some very good news for you. If you purchase Meat Church's 5lb bag of Holy Cow BBQ Rub on their website you can get it for $11.39 per pound including shipping. And that's no bull***t!

You are welocme!
Other than the lack of grill marks, which are essential, it looks pretty good!

Grill marks are the color of flavor, so why put several thin lines of it? I want that color all over my steak.

I think there's a chance, albeit remote, that he might have possibly been kidding. :rolleyes:
Other than the lack of grill marks, which are essential, it looks pretty good!

This. I don't get this constantly flip constantly fad. IMO, you need to give that meat some time to get some char.
Don;t get me wrong, OP's steak looks delicious and perfectly cooked, but there is top notch, and then there is next level.
Fine looking steaks John, and the sweet corn…though a little early for the good local stuff(which I’m missing in OK). Love the grill too. The world needs more acronyms, so nice work on that too.
First off- fine looking steak. I was going to ask "are you gonna eat all that?" but I reckon you did.

I have been entertained by the back and forth of flippers vs non flippers. It seems both camps have easy going and very "serious" members and it's been fun to watch the interplay.

Sure beats watching the news- thanks!
The steak looks good. Congrats on the success. However, I think you sell yourself short on your YouTube short. With a normal video, you might become one of those YouTube millionaires that we read about. An enterprising person could set up the ultimate showdown featuring the vivacious Jess Pryles with her JKF method against Salty John and his JDFT method. If you were successful, this could be the launching pad for the Q-Salt Chronicles series of videos. Possibilities could be endless.

I can't wait.

The steak looks good. Congrats on the success. However, I think you sell yourself short on your YouTube short. With a normal video, you might become one of those YouTube millionaires that we read about. An enterprising person could set up the ultimate showdown featuring the vivacious Jess Pryles with her JKF method against Salty John and his JDFT method. If you were successful, this could be the launching pad for the Q-Salt Chronicles series of videos. Possibilities could be endless.

I can't wait.


I have a face that was not meant for video.

Though Q-Salt Chronicles does have a nice ring to it.
I have a face that was not meant for video.

Though Q-Salt Chronicles does have a nice ring to it.

Me too John, me too. If not for that, I would have jumped on the band wagon a long time ago. Well, except for the other fact that I cannot speak without multiple ums and uhs and many painful pauses as I try to collect my thoughts about what I'm trying to say next and/or what I just said. A simple 5 minute video would take me hours to film and probably look like those old Godzilla movies as I dubbed in the audio.

I could have been a YouTube dollaraire.