Preparing and Storing Large Quantities of Wings


Well-known member
May 19, 2016
Ashley, OH
I'm entering a wing cooking competition in a couple of months. It's not sanctioned, just a small festival in my home town. The prize is just bragging rights, but I get to keep any profits from selling to the public.

Because of the public aspect, I need to go through the health department applications, which is fine. I'm buying 80 lbs of party wings from Restaurant Depot. They come in 10lb sealed bags that work well for moving and storage. Not sure what to do if I cut those bags open, or if I'm even allowed to cut those open off site.

I'm curious about any pre-prep I can do. If I want to rinse or brine the wings before the comp (I have a walk-in cooler at my disposal), what's the best way to store them until I get on site? It's about an hour drive from my house to the festival. I've got a couple of the big Coleman coolers. Should I just get some giant ziplock bags or maybe a garbage bag or two? I can't imagine dumping 80lbs of raw chicken into the cooler is a sanitary option. I don't think it's even an option to rinse them onsite..

The event runs from 4-7. Public will be judging for a people's choice award. I plan to stagger my cook to make sure I've got some fresh wings ready throughout the day and for the real judging at 6. I'll some bins ready for wash-rinse-sanitize stations and fresh water just in case.

If anybody has any other setup tips or tricks, I'd be happy to hear them.

I would suggest you check with your local health dept.Rules vary from state.Explain what you are doing and they will tell you their guide lines.Good luck