New BBQ Job!


Got Wood.
May 21, 2013
Boston, MA
Hello I've missed you!

Long story short, I haven't been able to BBQ/Grill/Smoke for about a year due to my wife becoming pregnant (the aromas disagreed with her intensely.) It was sad to the point that visiting the forums made me all depressed and melancholy.

Well things are a'changin' is now here, and even better I got promoted at work to BBQ cook! It's for a small gourmet cheese shop in town that does weekly sidewalk bbqs. There are decent lines each weekend for the food. The owner is very supportive of this part of his shop and has invested in a new wood burning smoker (they were using a very small cabinet smoker and Weber grill.)

The menu is all mine as well as specials. They've been doing ribs, pulled chicken, pulled lamb, with a few different sides. I won't be changing anything right away until I learn their system and the customers' wants, but I feel like the the ribs can use some upgrading. I was always saddened that pork butts were under-represented each weekend, not to mention the lack of plain ol' chicken thighs (not pulled.) But again, maybe this is what the customers want. We shall see.

I just wanted to share and hopefully lean on you all for support in this new adventure. My training Q's begin in April. Then it's all on me. I shall keep you all posted. Cheers!!!
Congratulations! Sounds like a wonderful job.
Mind sharing name and location of the shop?
I have a son in downtown Boston who I am sure would like to know. And my wife will be there this summer.
It's a big change going pro. My son is sous chef at a fine dining restaurant with strong french influence. His background is in french cuisine. Whereas he's always loved to cook doing so at a high level is hard, hard work and lots of hours. Doing Q, although a labor of love, will certainly be a job. Loving what you do for a living however is a blessing.

You have the right attitude not to change everything at one time... Like you stated, let the customers guide you as you put your own likes and dislikes aside...

Good luck and keep us posted...
Welcome back! Congrats on the new baby, and the promotion! Keep up posted! :thumb:
If I'm not mistaken, I remember, you were working in the back, and they asked you to Q up front?
Was that you? No matter, Good job, and as always - PICS!
Thanks for coming back after your hiatus, and congratulations on the new family addition!

Your promotion at work is exciting... It sounds like you're walking into a great baseline of customer demand for barbecue of several sorts! I look forward to reading about your experiments (and hopefully seeing pics, when able) and hearing about how folks love what you're doing!

Go tear it up, brother. You've got this.