Muffin Pan Debacle pron!


Babbling Farker
Dec 13, 2005
Sorry not a complete meal photo the kids were hungry and Mrs Ash was not happy! Here we go! The are boneless skinless and for the most part d-fatted thighs......


Grace Chugging along!


Semi final plate


Sorry again I was in a rush to feed the tribe and was first time I did this but now I own my own muffin pan. :doh:
Hey, you slave all day over a hot grill and she gets angry? Not right.
Looks fine from here, gotta try that...after I get my own muffin pan:-D
If you're trying to do a Mixon, there's a bit more to it than just putting it in the pan.

Nope not doing a Mixon.....Just trying to do Chix! Next will be be stuffed chick muffins then maybe wrapped in bacon. Who knows just starting from the beginning.......
What is the debacle? I see some cooked chicken thighs which look mighty tasty next to the mashed potatoes.
Started simple but will be doing my own twist real soon. Well after the Dr. releases me from the trauma center.
The chow looks good anyhow. Still the saying "If mama aint happy, aint anyone happy!"

Well Daddy got the last laugh! It wasnt me..... found out after closer inspection it was bent not melted and the person involved fessed up. Not Adambomb he is in the clear....
Congrats on your "new" muffin pan. How about making some muffins next time. :roll: