Mission: Help Name our New Product

I'm in and will be putting my thinking cap on. At work so creative thought is limited.

Like Cliff's Buffalo Theory, am smarter after a couple of beers.
I'm in.

SalisOpti, OptiSalis, NaturiSalis. Salis is the Latin word for salt. I'd use Italian but the word for salt in that language is Sale and I don't think you want that.

Go get 'em!
If one "x" isn't good enough for the salt give it three!


I guess that is 6. Or what about Xalt?

Or AltSalt...

Or SaltAll

Or AllSalt

Or a variation Sallt. See what I did there?!?
Count me in here from the weed-infused mountains of Colorado. Even though I don't partake in any of the devil's lettuce, here are some names from that culture:

1) Woke Dust
2) Can't Resist Dis Rub
3) Fight Da Bland
4) It's Like 10 But LOUDER
5) Sir Rub-a-Lot

Hope this adds to the ideas/fun. When should I send you my postal address via PM?