"Happy Phriday Pharkers,what's Smoking this Weekend?"

Hoping to cook Malcolm Reed's pork tenderloin with apple slaw. These 0 and -0 wind chills have me in the kitchen. Have a bunch of veggies chopped and bought some chili grind burger. Perhaps a veggie beef stew with some cornbread
Well seeing as how the weekend is about over I should probably come up with something soon! :shocked: Wings Phor sure, gonna see what else looks good.

I know you'll have (already had?) Phun at the Dutch Phorum Bash, Phu - y'all Pharkers can cook! :hungry: Kinda thinking we need to be heading in your direction sometime this year, been too long.

Happy weekend to Phu and crew and all y'all Pharkers!
Nothing this weekend. Went to look at a smoker Saturday…and then the rain came. Been raining since. I think tortilla soup tonight. Supposed to rain pretty good next few days. I might have some fun news next week.