as a buckeye fan, i feel slighted

Don't feel bad. Not like someone from that school down south knows how to grill any ways. You'd probably just hurt yourself...



As a Spartan fan, I'm saying you should feel proud. These grills only work if they're full of stinky gas, kinda like the maize(corn) and blue:mrgreen:
Don't be mad at Weber. They might be jumping on early, but they know a future winner when they see it... :wink:
when Weber first came out with these "grills", there were only four (and i do not remember the original four).
however, they left it open for us to "suggest" your favourite college team.
So I "suggested" Wisconsin.
a month or two later, they offered:
While I'm not sure I'd be slighted about not being represented on an undersized, under powered, overpriced grill - I guess some folk have to be up in arms about something :-D