I am devastated-words hurt

I use pecan for everything. Last night I was cooking pork so I added apple and cherry chunks to the pecan. My wife came outside and just stood their grinning. After a few seconds she said it smells amazing...is the food already on? The food was still in the fridge. So it seems new wood gets them really excited.:shock:

Key words might be " some strange" wood
She has geared it back to a .380 90% of the time but the bullets were like 47$ for 20 or 25.

Sold my G42 for that reason and of course the POS wouldn't shoot reliable. Have since got a G26gen4 and love it. Ammo is cheaper and available as well.
As far as the aroma goes, throw some left over onion peels into those coals, and it wont matter what wood you are smokiing with. Just make sure you cook extra, because that "smoke" will empty that golf course :clap2:.