New to this forum.... recipe request?


MemberGot rid of the matchlight.
Nov 10, 2015
Chicago, IL
I smoke a lot of ribs and briskets, but want to try my hand at pulled pork. The smoking part I "get", but I'm lost when it comes to the sauce you mix into the pork once out has been cooked and shredded.... could I ask this group for a good but simple recipe for that sauce? Personally, I prefer savory to sweet, but I think the folks I'm coming for could go either way.....
Maybe a Moderator will move this to Q-Talk and you will get more responses.

But for a simple answer to your question....
Make it the way you like it, there is no right or wrong way.

For my personal opinion and tastes, I don't like to sauce pulled pork. Good smoked pulled pork can stand on it's own, it has a sweet vibrant flavor with a hint of smoke.

I serve a couple sauces on the side (one sweet and one spicy) and people rarely use them. Those who do use the sauce use it very sparingly. They like just the flavor of the pulled pork.