UDS Brisket Question


Is lookin for wood to cook with.
Jan 13, 2014
I usually cook my briskets on my uds at about 250* with a bowl under it as a heat deflector. So, I decided to do one HnF at 325* without the deflector. I really liked the way the brisket turned out except for one thing. I could taste that burned fat flavor in all of the bark and while this isn't a bad thing ,my wife didn't agree. I guess it was from the fat cap dripping on the coals as it was cooking. Does anybody use a heat deflector going HnF on an uds? I love the shorter time on cooking , but I've got to keep the wife happy. Thanks!!
I have to confess that I cooked my brisket using Blu's method, but I used my holey pizza pan. Thing looks like a piece of swiss cheese and I use it to even out the temps to the side.

Still ran about 325° and it was a great brisket.
Thanks Bludawg! I'm trying to convince her that a SF reverse flow would solve the problem, but she knows better.(Or so she thinks)