Some weekend eats


is Blowin Smoke!
Apr 23, 2012
Madison, WI
Decided to stay in friday night because we were going to fix our retaining wall that partially collapsed last summer from a nearby tornado the next day. So we bought a big ol tomahawk to grill.

It was about 2.25" thick.

Threw it on reverse sear 250 degrees with some other goodies.

Then threw it all on direct to get a sear going.


My plate with some. Cooked a little more than I like but still good. Found out near the end of my cook my first digital thermometer was 10 degrees off. Gotta love the bone.

Ate and hot some cocktails by the fire with the wifey. You can see some of the planters I removed from the garden area where the wall needed to be redone.
Beautiful night!

Sunday I tried a prime brisket the hot and fast method for the first time. Did Bluedawg's method. Rubbed with black ops.

on she goes

midway through

Pullled at 205 when it felt the best.

sliced and plated

The point was awesome but the flat was not as tender and delicious as I've done in the past low and slow. The flat never probed like warm butter at 200,203,or 205 while the point did at 200. I had the probe in the flat part. Any secrets to the getting a delicious flat hot and fast way? I'm sure it'll be fine on some sammies tho.

Also I went through about 4lbs of charcoal in 7hours of @300 degrees. Does that seem about right with the kamados?

Thanks for lookin!
That's some good looking eats right there. I love those tomahawks! I've never cooked one, in fact around here I've only seen them once in the store. Next time I'm going to get one! Nice job!
Good lookin grub. You should have waited a little longer on that brisket. The flat needs to probe tender, sometimes they just take longer to give up. Good luck on the wall build. Good job bub !
Good lookin grub. You should have waited a little longer on that brisket. The flat needs to probe tender, sometimes they just take longer to give up. Good luck on the wall build. Good job bub !

Agreed... Generally when going "hot and fast" your finishing temp will be higher than it would be when cooking around 250. Probably just jumped the gun on pulling it. The point is also so fatty it'll probe tender much sooner than the flat. The point can keep cooking after feeling tender for quite a while without worrying about it getting dried out.
Agreed... Generally when going "hot and fast" your finishing temp will be higher than it would be when cooking around 250. Probably just jumped the gun on pulling it. The point is also so fatty it'll probe tender much sooner than the flat. The point can keep cooking after feeling tender for quite a while without worrying about it getting dried out.
What's the highest temp you've had with hot and fast in the flat? The flat isn't chewy just drier than I've done in the past so that's why I think it overcooked it?
The flat isn't chewy just drier than I've done in the past so that's why I think it overcooked it?
Believe it or not, it may have been undercooked - it can go to 210 -
did the slices crumble? No, I see in your pic they didn't.
It all looks so tasty! (yes including the Brussel sprouts!)
Yep, I agree with these guys.. you pulled it early. Don't let that temp get ya. Just wait for that thickest part of the flat to get tender. On Hot and fast that temp will be 210 or higher. I've seen them anywhere from 212-218. No biggie though, still looks awesome! Love the tomahawk especially :thumb:
Yep, I agree with these guys.. you pulled it early. Don't let that temp get ya. Just wait for that thickest part of the flat to get tender. On Hot and fast that temp will be 210 or higher. I've seen them anywhere from 212-218. No biggie though, still looks awesome! Love the tomahawk especially :thumb:

Doh! Everything I was seeing with hot and fast said 205 or less. And for some reason I thought I've read that the flat will get done before the point and the point was definately done so I thought the flat was nuked. Guess I should have asked here. Had some of the flat on a sammy last night and it's definitely good so all is well. Thanks for the advice guys.

Here's the before/after of the wall. The wall collapsed the night before we left for Italy and which was also my birthday. Nice present nature gave me eh?

Top wall up with all the planters removed.

Still need to get a yard or 2 of dirt to fill and then till the soil to plant some garden items.