A BBQ Brethren Event Sept 21, 2014 Hicksville, NY Fire Dept

Is this event going to by brethern rules? When you say chicken does any chicken work. Same with the beef? Or brisket expected?

Yes to Brethren rules.

Any chicken is fine, but it has to be 7 separate and individual pieces (minimum). That could be thighs, slices of breast, drumsticks, etc.

Any beef is fine.

If it's by BBQ Brethren Rules, than I might be out of it. I don't have a 3 sink set-up and I really can't afford to drop $1K right now for my 1st comp. to get one.
I don't think anyone can drop a grand on a sink setup these days!!! :lol: Come on down and enjoy! We did this comp last year as our first one! We had a great time with great people all around! If ya need help just ask!
If you are new to competition BBQ, this is a great first time event. It's fun, it's less strict than other events in it's categories, it's pretty cheap to enter and you get to interact with the public.

Why not sign up?

If you aren't at that stage yet but are comp-curious, post here. Maybe you can work with a team for the day and see how it is before trying it yourself.

The organizers already have teams signed up, new amenities are being worked on and things are rolling!

I hope that I get to see everyone there. I'll again pick up a fist full of rib tickets so I can try as many Brethren ribs as possible!

Rumor has it that WestexBBQ is coming out of self-imposed retirement to assist Ma's Que Crew for old times sake. Or is that "old and in the way...?"
wow I thought you would have had a lot more by now...So what happen to everyone that said they were in??? lol

I'm trying to see if I can get my act together (Mentally and Physically)for this 1st time event for me. Still need a few things before I can commit. Need to get 100' hose and extension cord. Plus, I would have to do everything on one smoker which I don't see as a major issue since I cook everything at about the same temp.