KCBS BOD voting

Having seen the old and new (before renovation) KCBS buildings, it was a sound decision. When the top floor is rented, that will be a big financial benefit to KCBS.

On the sanctioning issue, KCBS has been very lucky in that 99% of organizers do what they are supposed to do. Only a couple didn't pay while I was on the board. Way it's been explained to me is that the contract between KCBS and the organizer guarantees that the contest will be run by KCBS standards. The organizer contracts with the cook teams to do what they say they will do with the entry form.

The fact that there are words on kcbs.us that lead to belief that KCBS guarantees a prize payout is just one reason why the web site needs an overhaul. KCBS makes it right to teams and organizers if the contest reps make an error that effects prize money (yes, that happens too, but very rarely).
Thanks, Candy, for enlightening some of us that are trying to understand why some things are the way they are. There would be a whole lot less turmoil and suspicion if the Board would just keep us informed. That is going to be one of my major drives if elected!
Maybe the answer is to consolidate minutes back into the Bullsheet??? Honestly, it's not hard to know what KCBS board is up to -- every meeting is recorded, agenda and minutes are promptly posted. Any member can access it at kcbs.us IF they take the time to do so.
They arent promptly posting them anymore and honestly, I forget to check back...

Anybody can say what they want about Merl, but the quick notes were up the next day and the more complete minutes within a day or two later. Considering how long some meetings can go, that was always impressive and appreciated.
Maybe the answer is to consolidate minutes back into the Bullsheet??? Honestly, it's not hard to know what KCBS board is up to -- every meeting is recorded, agenda and minutes are promptly posted. Any member can access it at kcbs.us IF they take the time to do so.

I used to listen to every BoD meeting. Becoming disillusioned with KCBS though. But not to fear, KCBS already has my money for lifetime membership.