First Low and Slow Session On The PK360 4 Lb Chuckie For Pulled Beef Sliders


Full Fledged Farker
Jun 3, 2015
Set up for my first low and slow session on the PK 360 A four lb chuck roast for pulled beef sliders. Filled right side of the pit with unlit charcoal then added 12 ashed over lit coals in the top right corner of the pile. Cherry wood for smoke. Chuckie hit the cooking grate at 250 degrees. Foil pan underneath. Will wrap when internal temp hits 170. Will pull off when roast is fork tender to pull.




Here are the vent settings for the low and slow 250 degree grate temp-

Bottom left vent closed completely. Bottom right vent open half way. Top right vent closed completely. Top left vent (above the meat) closed half way.



Sorry for no pics of the pulled beef but it was juicy and fantastic as always.

I was initially leaving the bottom right vent wide open but it proved too much air to maintain temps under 300 so with the bottom right half way closed and the bottom left all the way closed and the top right fully closed and top left half closed it provided no messing around consistent 250-270 temps for the whole smoke which began at 9:00AM and ended at 1:40PM