Roll Call. Inside 30 days. Bedford Labor Day Blues & BBQ Festival 9/4-5

Maybe we can get the TEXAS Militia escort that are bringing Pigdawgs (cerdo perros) in. They will be crossing the river and require an escort in and out, they don't have green cards, to stick around and use the 4bys to pull us in and out. :p
No more rain during the night and a nice breeze out of the north should help dry things out.

Next year I'm setting demo on the Red River bridges;)

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Trailer is loaded and everything else is in the commercial fridge inside the garage door. We'll load the meat in the AM and be there about 9:00ish. If the knee was better, I'd go and stay tonight.
If anyone was planning to pick up some Blue's Hog at Hall's in Bedford...they just have the mustard sauce.