8 thighs to a box


is one Smokin' Farker
Oct 8, 2012
I usually compete FBA and you must put 8 pieces in box. I have done cupcake style many times and its pretty easy to get 3x3 in but wanted to start doing more rectangle shape. I saw a few boxes that shingled them toward front but wouldnt that take away appearance because judge cant see all thighs? What do you all do whe. 8 pieces are needed
Depending on how you trim the thighs, you can usually lay out 9 in a 3x3 grid as long as you have a good base. Whenever we've done it we always end up shingling. I can't recall if we got dinged on appearance, but I know we had at least 1 first place in chicken doing it that way.
I would think doing cupcake thighs would take away way more appearance than shingled, rectangular thighs.
Do you still cook them upside down like cupcake style? I am assuming if you dont you have to toothpick the skin to keep in place during cook. In order to get 9 in I would imagine you have to have a crazy thick base and remove almost half the bone.