Paella Recipe

That looks great..... I'll have to see if I can find the ingredients. Might be hard to find a couple things up here..... But, I am going to try
Can't go wrong with these recipes for the classic paella

just remember that to really make a good paella, less is more, focus on the rice and getting your layers of rice: the crispy golden socarrat on the bottom, the moist soft middle, and the thin layer of slightly firmer rice on top. Take the approach of the other ingredients being there to add flavor to the rice, as opposed to being the main ingredient and you will be on the path to creating paella (the dish) as opposed to cooking stuff in a Paella (the pan).

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
I've done one Paella and the flavor was fantastic but after surfing the Web I came to realize that there is no one recipe to follow as everyone did something different. So I did a combination of 3 or 4 recipes I found on the web taking things I liked from them all.

The first thing I learned was you don’t use regular (long grain) rice. Traditionally you’d use a short grain variety called Bomba rice. I couldn’t find this variety but Arborio rice (used to make Risotto) is supposed to be a good substitute so that’s what I used.

The second thing I learned was you need a wide, shallow and flat, heavy bottom pan to cook it in. They make “Paella” pans that are just for this. Unfortunately I didn’t have one nor do I have the room for such a specialized pan. I did however have a 15”, flat, heavy bottom braiser pan. It’s not shallow but I can control the ingredient amounts to make the paella level shallow inside the pan.

The third thing I learned was that it's all about the prep work before you start the cooking process. Everything needs to be cut up, portioned and ready to be put into the pan in the proper order. The order all depending on how long it takes to cook.

Here a link to the one I did:

Good luck and we hope to see some pics.