My First Brisket - fewer errors but still learning ;)

I wish you luck on an exceedingly Long and Expensive Journey. I've been cookin briskets for 30+ yrs but you and your unnamed experts seem to know it all & much more than me so good luck to ya:tape:
I do love me some science - and I know that all the subtle and overt changes happening in a chunk of meat can be explained by science- I get that. What I know- and it's admittedly limited- is Baking is science... bbq ain't science. I got the BBQ Bug about 3 years ago- read all I could get my hands/browser on. I must have missed all the posts giving the 185 as the perfect temp for brisket. If you'd throw me some of your names- I'd love to see what they posted (not pulling your leg- honest interest). I probably have not done 30 briskets total- but I know I can get good, solid advice from this group of Brothers who have decades of experience and love to share what they've learned.
Keep doing your cooks and share your results- good luck.