Ground beef prices easing up?

They have about the same inventory you’d find at the Independence one, barring a couple weeks when the packing plants were shutting down they typically have everything. There was a time that prices were elevated to the point I was unwilling to pay for certain things (like $5/lb briskets or $7/lb chuck) but it’s pretty much back to normal price wise.

That one is technically closer to my house as well, but I too have been shopping solely in Cass lately. Also they have some pretty high end booze there that Independence does not, if you’re into that sort of thing. Im good with Wild Turkey myself :becky:

Yeah were classic drunks down this way.......
A brisket at Costco that was $97 four weeks ago was $67 yesterday.
Highly recommend you check out Sams, I go to the Independence or lately the Raymore locations. You can usually get a new member promo where the membership is free or almost after freebies.

I've got some friends with a Sam's membership, we used to swap back ad forth, they'd come with us for Costco items, we'd go with them for Sam's items... but with all the Covid crap, we haven't been doing it (need to again obviously) as some places were limiting the number of customers in and out...
How is the Raymore store? I've been going down to Belton for most of my shopping lately (personal disagreement with current Jackson County rules) but I haven't checked out the Sams.

Our Price Chopper stores have Pork shoulders for $.99/lb right now. If my new fridge would get delivered, I'd go buy a few more. Last week I was able to get the 80/20 logs of ground beef for $1.99/lb. Not sure my cost of foodsaver bags/time offsets the savings, but it feels like it does?

They had a lot of big prime briskets this morning, I picked up a couple choice packers that had the black branded CAB sticker on them for 2.48/lb. Meat manager said they were out of PB's, they had pulled the ordering sheet on them this week and just sending them whatever. He got no PB's but said when that happens usually the next order they get a whole bunch of them. Had plenty of beef products.