Red River versus Walmart


somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 16, 2013
Not quite the same feeing you get when you round the curve and see Freezing foggy smoky Red River lights in the valley below.
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Then again you couldn't get all this for $40 and change at Der Market!!
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I never find yellow tags. Is there a day of the week that they do this?

Usually on Wed-Thu just prior to weekend is when I normally see the sell by date yellow tags showing up. However I was in the store a few days ago and saw almost everything in the cooler with a sell by date of the 14th. Today was just luck. They had about 10 butts and 10 SLC Ribs marked down. I took two of each.
Always thought it bad Karma to clear the shelf and load the cart. I've seen some peeps that probably couldnt afford meat if not for the yellow tags.

I'm blessed, but I don't feel guilty taking 2.

Seeing how I was on an ammo run, I only strayed 150 yards off target.