Comp BBQ Critique video

What about the judge whose only comment on Chicken#1 was "it didn't have bite-through skin"? Where does it say in the KCBS rulebook that chicken must have bite-through skin?
What about the judge whose only comment on Chicken#1 was "it didn't have bite-through skin"? Where does it say in the KCBS rulebook that chicken must have bite-through skin?
I thought the same thing. I also wondered where they found time between this and ribs to do that much commentary. Interesting video, thanks for sharing! She also mentions uniformity in the box multiple times, as well as the box is "messy" anyone could have tilted or otherwised done something to have caused this after it was turned in.

Then later, at about 23 minutes, judge is talking about presentation. I thought we were judged on appearance, taste, and texture? I suppose that is a common error
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The one comment that I thought was strange was the judge that mentioned "The piece I ended up getting looked a little burned on one side and that didn't help it." After you've judged appearance, unless there is a rule infraction, shouldn't you rule that out of the tasting/tenderness judging?
My evil twin would also be immensely gratified if each judge prefaced their remarks with the number of years and number of contests they had judged.
The one comment that I thought was strange was the judge that mentioned "The piece I ended up getting looked a little burned on one side and that didn't help it." After you've judged appearance, unless there is a rule infraction, shouldn't you rule that out of the tasting/tenderness judging?

You think that being burnt on one side is going to be good for the taste and tenderness? or you think the judges should just eat around the burnt parts and not score down for it?
Also heard the "all pieces not the same size" thing on chicken a few times. I mean, if it takes away from the overall appeal and makes it less appetizing (as chicken, mind you), I completely understand. Otherwise, where does it say they must all be the same size, and on that note me, personally, as a judge. really like chicken to look like a piece of chicken and not little red balls of luv that happen to hide chicken. To me they look fake, and frankly aren't appetizing, because I cant think of a time where chicken looks good and appetizing in a ball. I guess I'm just a mutant.

Otherwise it says a lot of what I and many others have said here; too salty doesn't play; too sweet doesn't play; too hot (spice) doesn't play, and that tenderness and taste really are separate and judges can score it separately.
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You think that being burnt on one side is going to be good for the taste and tenderness? or you think the judges should just eat around the burnt parts and not score down for it?

They said it looked burnt, not that it tasted burnt. If it tasted burnt, heck yeah it should be counted down.
Great video bother. Amazing how some folk bitch about one single comment. I guess they don't get it about it isn't perfect. Not much is perfect in life, much less bbq.
Great clip - totally explains why on any given day anyone can win GC and the next day place DAL.
Redneck, Brewer, it's very subjective... You'll notice that most of the time they agreed on the best one on the table that day. They also agreed on the worst. The remainder are lost in subjective-land. Two people like salty, but two dont. Two like sweet; another two or three dont. Same for spice/heat. They did prove that taste and tenderness have little to do with one another, even showed it in the picture with one apparently good tasting rib but it got slammed in tenderness scores. Otherwise, yes, there were some really sad comments, particularly those about appearance. I'll bet that most of those silly comments came from fairly seasoned judges. I'm of the opinion that people become conditioned to expect certain things, like little round balls we call chicken, and anything else gets slammed wrongly.

However, to taste, if you've got a fairly unique flavor coming through on your Q, then yes it's a crap shoot as to who you get at your table. The better more consistent competitors know this and their Q isn't very salty, isn't too sweet, has a touch of spice so that it's not bland but wouldn't be considered very spicy. They play to the center and try to not alienate any judges.
wow that was painful! where did you get that? great production value!
It's BBQ TV. You can find it on YouTube.

I thought the same thing. I also wondered where they found time between this and ribs to do that much commentary.

The camera crew hit a different table for each category. They picked the table that got their samples first, which rotates from category to category.

It's interesting to hear other judges perspectives. Some didn't give much detail to their answers, but in their defense, they had pretty short notice that they would be filmed. They might not have been thinking beforehand about how to best describe each sample.
Listen to the judges, that is invaluable information posted there. No matter how flawed you think they are those are the opinions that matter. You can be right or you can be successful. Take your pick.