Coal cracker bbq smoke and stoke 9/12-9/13 Scranton, PA

I spoke with Karen Foster, one of the organizers, last week at Q for the Troops. Sounds like it will be a good comp. Karen took the time to speak with the cooks to better understand the things about a comp. that matter most. This was in an effort to best prepare for this upcoming competition.
This might be worth doing. We might check this out. We might throw in the backyard division. We will see though.
I would love to do this one but I'm already committed elsewhere. I had the pleasure of meeting the organizers at Que For Troops and I bet this comp is going to be great right out of the box!
I'm 20 minutes from there in the Dallas/back Mountain area. Anyone want to start an impromptu team for this in the backyard comp?
This is the first time I'm hearing of it. The website has only four teams listed as competing, all the other spots are blank. Nothing in the backyard portion.

Is our 1st year comp. Still working with our sponsors to finalize total purse. Great venue at the ski resort. Have had lots of inquiries and about 10 have signed up so far. We will see you in Bel Air at the BBQ Bash. Always enjoy talking with the cooks
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My father and I are headed to this one. Looking forward to it. Hopefully it's our last comp on the cheap offset and barrel.
Has anyone heard anything about the payout? I occasionally check the website, but it still says TBA. Only a month out and no info.
Anyone heard anything about anything for this competition? Last I looked, there were about 12 teams signed up and 60 judges. Is this still going to happen?
Theoretically I'm planning on judging. I've been registered since june 20. I talked to the organizer last week and she said they had a lot of teams on the fence as they were chasing KCBS points. I sure hope I can judge since this is lass than an hour from my house!