Brisket holding in cooler for 2 hours.


Is lookin for wood to cook with.
Jul 15, 2012
I need to take some confusion out of this.
What temp/doneness to pull brisket out from smoker in order to do a 2 hour holdover in a cooler?
Do I need to bring down temp, cool/rest before?

I have gone from smoker when it was done direct to cooler and it dried out.
2 hours total between pulling off the pit and slicing will not really leave much time for the "hold" part.

You need to cool it down prior to putting in the hold unless you intentionally undercooked it.

take it down to 165 or under before holding. This takes an hour or longer for a brisket pulled at 203ish.
Unless you were borderline overcooked already, holding in a cooler wrapped should not dry it out in two hours.
Jonah is spot on. Bring it down a bit or it will keep cooking in the cooler and be way over.

If you use a cooler make sure it’s a good one (Walmart Igloo NO) and pre warm the cooler in the sun for few hours.

You pull a brisket from the smoker at prove tender - could be 198* or 203* or 208* or 211* depends on the brisket and cooking temps.

if wrapped - Open it Up and Vent it, let IT come down to 150*'s may 1/2 to 1 hour, wrap and into cooler for 1-2-3-4 hours.