New UDS and New Member

Nice work. How hard was it to weld that 1/8" steel ring around the top? Was it a constant weld around the whole barrel? Or just tacked on in a few places? Does it help with sealing the airflow or just keep your lid from falling off?

I actually just have it held in place by compression. No welds. I started by bending it around the outside of the drum, clamping as I went. Then I bent it around inside the drum and estimated where to cut the excess. I removed it, cut it and crammed it back in place using clamps to persuade it to snap into place. There IS a slight gap in one place so it isn't air tight (but dang near) but it isn't moving without some hammer blows.

This particular drum has nice straight inside walls at the top lip and I did bevel the inside with my angle grinder after I ground around the top to free the lid.

The lid stays on, the coals go out when all vents are closed and it was a simple solution so I call it good.