
  1. C

    Charcoal Briquette Brand Opinions?

    Hello all, happy Friday. As I've read through this forum, it doesn't appear to be a secret that you all prefer true wood-fired BBQ, which is great because so do I. But I would be lying if I said I didn't use charcoal more often than wood, just because of convenience and availability in my area...
  2. C

    Ash on food in a kettle

    Any thoughts on probable causes for ash on my brats? Cooking on a OTS, 2/3 chimney of stubbs briqs, 1/3 lump, lit with a parafin starter in the cooker. Dumped the chimney and let the kettle heat for about 30 minutes. Seemingly a good clean burn. Bottom vents open about halfway, top open...
  3. P

    The OFFICIAL 2013 Memorial Day Charcoal Sale Thread

    Since there are always multiple threads on this every year, I am going to start one early. I will bump it once the sales begin. I will also edit this post (if it will let me) and keep all the sales in the OP. If you find a good price, please check the thread before posting it. Please include...
  4. New Pal Frank

    Stubbs Chrcoal on sale at Lowes

    Stubbs charcoal briquettes on sale at Lowes for $6.99. reg $8.49