smoked turkey

  1. R

    Smoke that turkey!

    I've been bullied into traditional roast turkey for 20+ years or so and was thinking of pulling rank on the family and doing Xmas bird on the UDS this year. I have always used Ferguson Henderson's brine and would still do so; it's excellent! Any suggestions for rub? Seasoning? Smoke wood?( I...
  2. P

    Thanksgiving Help for a new guy!

    Hey everybody, I was given a hand me down smoker from an uncle, its just a standard electric tower type of smoker, cant remember the brand. But, anyways...i have NEVER smoked anything in my life and i volunteered to bring an EXTRA smoked turkey for lunch. I need all the help i can get! Dont even...
  3. Willie G

    Hats off to PattioDaddio with pron

    OK, I was asked to smoke four turkeys last week, I have about nine years of expierance with smoking pork, and some chicken. I have never smoked a turkey before. So, what to do?:shock: I turned to the BBQ Brethern for the answer and boy did I get the answer. I followed PatioDaddio's...
  4. wjwheeler

    30 Turkeys to Smoke on Thanksgiving

    I usually deep fry 25 - 30 12 -14 lb. turkeys and smoke 6 each Thanksgiving as gifts. This year I want to smoke all of them them. I have a Southern Q competition water smoker that will hold the 30 turkeys in one cook. I try to have them ready by 10am on Thankgsgiving morning. I have read vaired...