jimmy cooker

  1. Fwismoker

    Jimmy is playing with fire!!! Edit: Now with crappy video

    LOL, I guess my Q bug hit again. Trying splits in the jimmy for some open top spinning. Starting with rosemary potatoes and Italian brats for Italian sammies later. Thinking chicken legs are getting called up soon. First i took some partial burnt splits from the bigger stick burner and...
  2. Fwismoker

    A different way to bake potatoes

    I've been goofing around with hanging stuff in the one of the cookers lately so I experimented with potatoes. Posted this in the PBC thread because they can definitely do the same. (what i posted in the PBC) A little lunch from today and an idea that i think can be of benefit to some of...
  3. Fwismoker

    Pork shoulder CSR's plus Bi Color sweet corn....shout out to my PBC brothers

    I'm sure y'all are getting sick of PBC threads by now....Well this isn't one.:becky: These are the CSR's on sale @ Meijer for 1.39 Corn soaked in water for a couple of hours. Ok here we go... Corn on top and CSR's hanging below in my jimmy cooker. Note if you cook this way and have 2 hinged...
  4. Bob C Cue

    Pit Barrel Cooker? Heck I could build one for less than $100!!!

    It is not uncommon for owners of the Pit Barrel Cooker, who are justifiably proud of their cookers, to be told by friends that although it might cook some good food, they could build the same thing for $50 - $100. Well folks, just because you say it that doesn't make it so. Granted, people...