
  1. D

    Yet another Cheeseburger Thread

    It’s been hot this last week here in Low Cal (Upper 90’s to low 100’s) but today it cooled off, so I grilled a few Cheeseburgers. I started out by cutting 2 russet potatoes up into 1/8th and then tossed in some OO and seasoned with some fresh ground salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper and some...
  2. D

    And another Double Meat Double Cheese Burger Thread.

    Sent the long weekend off in style with a Double Meat Double Cheese Burger. Fired up Jr. for the patties. Flipped and removed them when they were done so I could add the cheese. Toasted the buns. One more time of the grill to melt the cheese. Plated this up with some...
  3. D

    Another 4th of July Cheese Burger Thread

    For the long weekend we started out being invited over to our neighbor’s house for hamburgers. I was tasked with grilling up some corn. Once these started getting some golden-brown char marks, I put them in a large rectangular pan and covered them with foil. We took this over with two...
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    Another Cheeseburger

    When shopping and got some groceries we needed. Picked up some nice brioche buns and we made cheeseburgers on the Akorn Jr. again. Sliced up the veggies. Cooked up the burgers. Assembled my cheeseburger and plated it with a slice of watermelon, some pringles and a Modern Times...
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    Some Q and Some Not Q

    Yesterday I inched closer to retirement as I had my 61st birthday. In the morning my wife blessed me with some nice gifts. She said these were all to help me enjoy the outdoors more. (Not sure I needed more things to do that but :thumb:) First thing she had me open is this Landman fire pit...
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    The Crunchy Guacamole Cheeseburger

    It’s still July so I tried a new burger this evening. “The Crunchy Guacamole Cheeseburger” I had a leftover Buffalo patty and some buns from the Buffalo Buffalo Cheeseburger cook on Sunday. I spread on some Crystal mayo and then placed on some thinly sliced carrot and celery. (The Crunch) I...
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    The Buffalo Buffalo Burger

    So there’s this “2106 July Burger Blowout!” Throwdown going on here: Having already made some nice Cheeseburgers yesterday I decided to try something a little more outside the box. There is a Burger restaurant near us called Slaters...
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    I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a Cheeseburger today!

    With the “2106 July Burger Blowout!” Throwdown going on here: I decided to make up some nice Cheeseburgers. I started out by making some French Fries. Done and seasoned. Now I made up some 1/4 lb. patties out of this...